Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 6, 2014

Simple life

Liệu một cuộc sống đơn giản có làm ta hạnh phúc, có lẽ chỉ chắc một điều rằng cuộc sống đơn giản giúp ta rõ ràng hơn.
Sáng nay tôi tìm kiếm với từ khóa “principle for simple life”, không được nhiều, nhưng cũng được vài.
Cuộc sống con người nếu chấp nhận cũng có thể chia ra mấy phần chúng ta cần quan tâm chăm bón: sức khỏe thể chất, quan hệ gia đình, công việc – học hành, mối quan tâm cá nhân. Kẻ biết kết nối và có nguyên tắc làm việc luôn biết cân bằng cuộc sống và mang lại những giá trị sống đích thực cho đời.
Quản trị cuộc đời luôn là một điều đáng lưu tâm, khi anh có thể cống hiến nhiều hay ít cho gia đình và cho xã hội. Sắp xếp lại cuộc sống theo nguyên tắc đơn giản hóa giúp ta có môt phong cách sống hiện đại mà tối ưu.
Decide what is important.
Take a step back and think about what’s important to you. What do you really want to be doing, who do you want to spend your time with, what do you want to accomplish with your work? Make a short list of 4-5 things for your life, 4-5 people you want to spend time with, 4-5 things you’d like to accomplish at work.
Examine your commitments. A big part of the problem is that our lives are way too full. We can’t possibly do everything we have committed to doing, and we certainly can’t enjoy it if we’re trying to do everything. Accept that you can’t do everything, know that you want to do what’s important to you, and try to eliminate the commitments that aren’t as important.
Do less each day. Don’t fill your day up with things to do. You will end up rushing to do them all. If you normally try (and fail) to do 7-10 things, do 3 important ones instead (with 3 more smaller items to do if you get those three done). This will give you time to do what you need to do, and not rush.

Leave space between tasks or appointments. Another mistake is trying to schedule things back-to-back. This leaves no cushion in case things take longer than we planned (which they always do), and it also gives us a feeling of being rushed and stressed throughout the day. Instead, leave a good-sized gap between your appointments or tasks, allowing you to focus more on each one, and have a transition time between them.

Eliminate as much as possible from your to-do list. You can’t do everything on your to-do list. Even if you could, more things will come up. As much as you can, simplify your to-do list down to the essentials. This allows you to rush less and focus more on what’s important.

Slow down and enjoy every task. This is the most important tip in this article. Read it twice. Whatever you’re doing, whether it’s a work task, eating, brushing your teeth, cooking dinner, driving to work: slow down. Try to enjoy whatever you’re doing. Try to pay attention, instead of thinking about other things. Be in the moment. This isn’t easy, as you will often forget, but find a way to remind yourself. Unless the task involves actual pain, anything can be enjoyable if you give it the proper attention.
  • Eat slowly. This is just a more specific application of taking things more slowly but it’s something we do every day, so it deserves special attention.
  • Drive more slowly. Another application of the same principle, driving is something we do that’s often mindless and rushed. Instead, slow down and enjoy the journey. See How to Practice Zen Driving.
Single-task. This is an important point. Do one thing at a time, and do it well; see How to Avoid Multi Tasking.

 Eliminate stress. Find the stressful things in your life, and find ways to eliminate them. See How to Relieve Stress.


Create time for solitude. In addition to slowing down and enjoying the tasks we do, and doing less of them, it’s also important to just have some time to yourself.

Do nothing. Sometimes, it’s good to forget about doing things, and do nothing and don't worry.


Sprinkle simple pleasures throughout your day. Knowing what your simple pleasures are, and putting a few of them in each day, can go a long way to making life more enjoyable.
Practice being present. You can practice being in the moment at any time during the day. The key methods of being present include paying attention instead of daydreaming, observing what is going on around you, breathing attentively and meditating.
1.    Điều gì là quan trọng nhất
2.    Phân nhóm công việc giải quyết
3.    Việc hôm nay chớ để ngày mai – Làm ngay
4.    Bỏ qua chiếc đồng hồ, hãy dành thời gian để biết điều số 1 và tiếp tục
Vòng tròn Cuộc sống đơn giản:
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